Sunday, May 28, 2017

Surprising Benefits of Eating with Your Hands

Surprising Benefits of Eating with Your Hands

When you travel to the nook and crannies of Africa, the Middle East and Asia, you will find one thing in common. You’ll see many people eating with their hands instead of using forks, spoons and knives.
Perhaps to your surprise, it can actually be good for you, despite all the times that your parents told you it was poor manners.
Eating is a sensual and mindful process. Employing all the senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch – can make the whole experience even more fulfilling. Using your hands to eat adds a tactile connection with your food as well as body, mind and soul.
It also softens the formality of fine dining. This is one reason why many restaurants in Western countries are encouraging eating with one’s hands.
While some people find eating with their hands unhygienic and disgusting, it is considered a relaxed and convivial style of dining. Plus, it has many benefits.

Improves Digestion

There are “good” as well as “bad” bacteria present on the palms and fingers of your hands. The good bacteria protect you from many damaging microbes in the environment. When you eat with a spoon and fork, these bacteria do not reach your gut.
On the other hand, when you eat with your hands, the flora from the fingers transfers to the mouth and is swallowed and travels to different body parts.
Plus, when you touch the food with your hands, a signal is sent to the mind for the release of digestive juices and enzymes. Depending on the type of food, the mind arranges for the metabolism to work accordingly, which is needed for better digestion.
A healthy digestive system is important for a healthy body and mind.

Works as a Natural Sensor

When you eat with a spoon or fork and put your food directly in your mouth, your mind cannot sense the temperature or texture of the food ahead of time. This is why you often end up burning your tongue when you put food that is too hot in your mouth.But when you eat with your hands, the nerve endings in your fingers sense the temperature of the food and effectively prevent you from scalding your tongue.
The nerve endings also send a signal to your brain about what you are going to eat. This triggers the release of the appropriate digestive juices and enzymes to help you taste your food better.

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